Saturday, July 3, 2010

Morning Smiles

I love Saturday mornings-even though they are not as late as before...I still love them, almost as much as Sunday mornings.
This morning, it was early, the sun was creeping in the bedroom, I opened my eyes and to my surprise big blue baby eyes were open and staring at me. The girl who was snuggled in my arms was wide awake, waiting for mama to wake up. She had this huge smile on her face and was so happy that I was awake with her.
Makes it a little easier to wake up early.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Grandmas are good for many things.

They come home early from work to hold your baby.
They buy new baby clothes
They buy cute baby hats
They hold baby, even when baby is crying
They hold baby in the hot tub.
They make sure to grab the baby before she sinks too far in the hot tub when she slips out of grandmas hands.
They test to see if baby likes the taste of apple sauce.
They try to teach baby to roll over. "here Lucy, this is how you roll over! Yay, you rolled over! Now lets roll back over! Yay!'
They dip baby's binkie in ginger beer before putting it in baby's mouth.

What would we do without grandmas?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tongues are Cool!

So when Lucy was born and she was really little I liked to stick out my tongue and try to get her to do it too. She always gave me these cute faces when I did it and I knew that we were both having fun. Well now she is bigger and she LOVES to stick out her tongue to see if she can get me to stick out my tongue. She smiles and giggles forever when we play this game, I can see the happiness and love that comes out of her when her and I are doing this together.
I was telling my dad about this and he thought it was funny and just recently I got some photos of her tongue.

Land Prom

Lucy First Camping Trip

Last weekend the three of us ventured to The Land (some friends property in Mosier Oregon, up the Gorge). It was great fun! It was pouring in Portland and I was worried that I would just have to turn around and not spend the weekend camping. I may be hard core but I'm not that hard core to camp in the rain with a baby! Once we were in the hills, the sky cleared and all was sunning in the land.
Lucy was super happy to be carried all weekend by mom and dad and a few Land Prom locals. Sija tried Lucy in the baby front pack, she wanted to see what it is like to carry a baby and do things-her baby alarm is ringing. She was testing reins.
Our good friend Tiffany spent lots of time entertaining Lucy for us, Lucy loved giggling at the funny sounds Tiffany was making for her.
The three of us slept in the back of my car. I think Lucy was the most comfortable. She was really excited when she woke up in the early morning to nurse and the sun was coming up and the sky was littered with pink and orange.
When Lucy fell back asleep for a morning nap, JR set up my sleeping pad and I slept in the sun and woke up to a plate of breakfast and a sunburned face.
The car ride home was loud with the sound of Lucy protesting to be in the car. JR had to take the truck to pull the smoker and I was stuck behind him driving alone, as slow as a snail, down gravel dirt roads with a scream pissed off child. We stopped many times to try and sooth her but to no avail. We even stopped for ice cream.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Raining Fair Day

Bryndl, Lucy and I all went to a street fair this weekend. And it poured. Bryndl and I got some funny looks as we ran/walked with Lucy trying to get out of the rain She did have a blanket over her wee little head.

Friday, May 21, 2010

I Make Milk. What's your superpower? - $50 - Nursing/Breastfeeding Apparel at

I Make Milk. What's your superpower? - $50 - Nursing/Breastfeeding Apparel at

What is your super power!

Rain Rain Go Away...

Goodness. It is pouring! And it has been for quite some time. Lucy and I only managed to get out for a quick walk yesterday and it doesn't look like it is going to stop today. Lucy and I were going to go hang out with Chloe and Nate today while their mom worked at their garage sale but she was rained out.
Yesterday Lucy and I do something fun.
I found mango for $.50, I bought 7, when I got home I put them in a bowl. They were beautiful. For a day I kept looking at them and saying to myself I should by a case of mangoes, they are only $.50. Finally I was chatting with JR (again) about the price of mangoes and the choice of buying more and he told me to go get the damn mangoes because I was going to regret it if I didn't. So then Lucy and I had 26 mangoes. Tito came over and we talked about making fruit leather but we ended up chatting. I thought about making chutney, but i don't really know what chutney is and it sounds like another jam and I have SO much canned jams and jellies that I don't want anymore. And then-I found, in my magic Ball Canning book how to can mangoes. Yesterday I sat on the living room floor with a bowl of mangoes,2 cutting boards, a bowl of pits and skins, and a bowl of beautiful sliced fruit and Lucy whole sat in her bouncing chair chatting with me. And now I have 9 pints of canned mango and I'm so excited to introduce these mangoes to Lucy this fall and winter and remind her that we did it together on out living room floor.
I'm still debating about getting another case of mangoes...