Friday, May 21, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away...

Goodness. It is pouring! And it has been for quite some time. Lucy and I only managed to get out for a quick walk yesterday and it doesn't look like it is going to stop today. Lucy and I were going to go hang out with Chloe and Nate today while their mom worked at their garage sale but she was rained out.
Yesterday Lucy and I do something fun.
I found mango for $.50, I bought 7, when I got home I put them in a bowl. They were beautiful. For a day I kept looking at them and saying to myself I should by a case of mangoes, they are only $.50. Finally I was chatting with JR (again) about the price of mangoes and the choice of buying more and he told me to go get the damn mangoes because I was going to regret it if I didn't. So then Lucy and I had 26 mangoes. Tito came over and we talked about making fruit leather but we ended up chatting. I thought about making chutney, but i don't really know what chutney is and it sounds like another jam and I have SO much canned jams and jellies that I don't want anymore. And then-I found, in my magic Ball Canning book how to can mangoes. Yesterday I sat on the living room floor with a bowl of mangoes,2 cutting boards, a bowl of pits and skins, and a bowl of beautiful sliced fruit and Lucy whole sat in her bouncing chair chatting with me. And now I have 9 pints of canned mango and I'm so excited to introduce these mangoes to Lucy this fall and winter and remind her that we did it together on out living room floor.
I'm still debating about getting another case of mangoes...

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