Friday, May 14, 2010

Morning Joys

Lucy sleeps through most nights and wakes up around 5am to nurse. It is a sweet time for us, the world is waking up, the birds are singing and the light gradually filters through our windows. I think it is her best meal of the day, she isn't distracted and she is actually hungry, she doesn't play while eating. She gazes at me and I feel so lucky to have her.
A few mornings ago Lucy and I had a very nice morning feeding and she was lying in my lap dreamily looking into my face. I smiled, she smiled. I fell in love all over again. and then BAM! ALL over me! I was covered with cupfuls of warm partly digested breast milk. All over my chest, shoulders, neck and face, dripping down my shoulders!
After the shock of the explosion I looked at my little girl's face and she looked just as sweet as before, as if nothing had happened.
All I could do was laugh.
What a way to start out the morning-laughing!
and covered in baby!

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